Recent news

18 November 2019

Launch of the Management Plan for the Larga sub-basin

În conformitate cu Legea Apelor nr. 272 din 23/12/2011, care transpune parțial cerințele Directivei Cadru privind Apa 2000/60/CE, a fost elaborat Planul de gestionare al subbazinului hidrografic Larga pentru perioada 2019-2024. Scopul elaborării acestuia constă în îmbunătățirea calității apei potabile, condițiilor sigure pentru activități de agrement, asigurarea activităților economice prospere, conservării biodiversității și vieții acvatice.

Reprezentanții societății civile și părțile interesate sunt invitați să contribuie la elaborarea planurilor de gestionare a bazinelor hidrografice printr-o serie de activități de consultare publică. Locuitorii din subbazinul hidrografic Larga vor fi afectați de măsurile care urmează să fie incluse în plan și, prin urmare, li se oferă oportunitatea de a se implica de la începutul elaborării Planului de gestionare.

Pentru a ține mai bine cont de preocupările dvs., vă rugăm să vă exprimați părerea cu privire la principalele aspecte legate de apă în formă deschisă la telefonul: 079025198 sau la adresa de email:

Opinia dumneavoastră cu privire la principalele probleme de apă contează!

Termenul limită pentru recepţionarea sugestiilor este 20 decembrie 2019.

April 14, 2015

Third Environmental Performance Review of Moldova

The United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (ECE) Environmental Performance Review Programme assesses progress made by individual countries in reconciling their economic and social development with environmental protection, as well as in meeting international commitments on environment and sustainable development.

The Environmental Performance Review Programme assists countries to improve their environmental policies by making concrete recommendations for better policy design and implementation. Environmental performance reviews help to integrate environmental policies into sector-specific policies, such as those related to agriculture, energy, transport and health. Through the peer review process, the reviews promote dialogue among governments about the effectiveness of environmental policies as well as the exchange of practical experience in implementing sustainable development and green economy initiatives. They also promote greater government accountability to the public.

The Third Environmental Performance Review of the Republic of Moldova takes stock of the progress made by Moldova in the management of its environment since the second review took place in 2005 and assesses the implementation of the recommendations contained in the second review. The third review covers policy making, planning and implementation, and the financing of environmental policies and projects, as well as the protection of water resources, biodiversity and protected areas. It also looks into environmental considerations related to waste management and agriculture. 

April 02, 2015

Institutional and Stakeholder Report on the Republic of Moldova

The Institutional and Stakeholder Report on the Republic of Moldova provides a snapshot of the current state of play in Moldova regarding environmental governance, especially the implementation and enforcement of environmental legislation and the transposition of EU environmental legislation. The report focuses on the Themis Network’s target groups, comprising officials from the national authorities responsible for the environment, nature protection and law enforcement, and the judiciary. The main conclusions are included in the report and focus on:

  • The institutional set-up and its efficiency in law enforcement
  • The status of the legal apparatus as compared to that required for successful EU approximation
  • The main self-perceived priorities of Moldovan institutions for environmental governance and how these can be tied to the Themis Network

Outcomes of the 2015 Meeting of Themis’ ExCom

During its meeting on 20 February 2015 in Szentendre, Hungary, the Themis network followed up with the start of its second project phase, announced in December 2014 in Vienna, Austria. 

Representatives of Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo*, Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro and Serbia participated in this meeting as well as a representative of the General Police Directorate of Slovenia and of the Criminal Intelligence Service and of the Austrian Development Cooperation in Austria.

Ms. Marta Szigeti Bonifert, executive director of the Regional Environmental Centre (REC) which hosts the Themis Secretariat, welcomed the participants, noting that achieving success “together is easier than alone.”

Green Energy Sector Champions awarded at Moldova Eco-Energetica 2014 Ceremony

More than one thousand promoters of renewables and energy efficiency got together at Moldova Eco-Energetica ceremony today to celebrate the remarkable achievements and award the Champions of the Green Energy Sector in 2014.

A total of 14 successful projects in using and promoting green energy and energy efficiency, 5 companies developing eco-responsible technologies have been handed trophies while one eco-responsible project idea receiving funding from a commercial bank with  the Government being the guarantor for the transaction.

Themis Network: a new phase is starting

October 29, 2014

The Regional Environmental Center is happy to announce that phase II of the Themis Network just started on the 1st of October 2014 and will last until 2017. The second phase, like the first, is made possible with the support of the Austrian Development Agency.

The Themis Network is a beneficiary driven regional cooperation network in South Eastern Europe (SEE), namely Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Montenegro, and Serbia and the recently included Republic of Moldova.  The main stakeholders are the authorities responsible for the environment and justice sectors.

So far the Network succeed to create a community of likeminded state officials from south eastern European countries eager for change and that are now working together across borders to improve environmental governance through the rule of law and mutual understanding.

In phase II  the Network will continue to contribute to better implementation and enforcement of the EU environmental acquis and to significantly improve the inter-institutional and inter-governmental cooperation in SEE, mainly in the field of the environment. The Network now includes Moldova in order to transfer knowledge and lessons learnt from the SEE region and to strengthen the countries association process with the EU.

The work of the Themis is complemented by its partners, in particular the INECE and IMPEL networks.  Themis operates on the principle that establishing synergies creates long term benefits for its stakeholders and beneficiaries.

Creation of a Black Sea Network for sustainable tourism development in Bulgaria, Romania, Ukraine, Moldova and Georgia

The present Minutes provide an overview of the 4th Progress Meeting of the Project “Creation of the Black Sea Network for Sustainable Tourism in Bulgaria, Romania, Ukraine, Moldova and Georgia”, which was held in Constanta, Romania, during 11th – 12thSeptember 2014, at the Flora Hotel in the Mamaia Resort.

The objectives of the meeting were to discuss the Project implementation progress in terms of the action that has already started and to define an updated and more planning for activities to follow.

The meeting was attended by partner team members from all partners:

  • Municipality of Varna, BULGARIA;
  • Black Sea Economic Centre, BULGARIA;
  • Municipality of Odessa (Odessa City Council), Department of Culture and Tourism, UKRAINE;
  • Black Sea branch of Ukrainian Environmental Academy of Sciences, UKRAINE;
  • Asociatia Europeana de Mediu (The European Environmental Association), ROMANIA;
  • Tbilisi State University, Department of Human Geography of the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, GEORGIA;
  • Environmental Association for Quaternary Research “INQUA”, MOLDOVA.