International Bird Day
April is celebrating as international bird’s day. The international Convention for the Protection of Bird was signed on 1 April 1906 year and represents one of the first ecological documents. This tradition was revived in 1993 by Romanian Ornithological Society and since March 1994, the Bird Day is celebrated every year.
For most people, April 1 is the fool` day, however, for bird lovers and ornithologists this day marks the International Day of Birds. This day is also annually marked within the UNESCO program “The Man and the Biosphere” that is being celebrated in April as well.
The theme of the holiday is the conservation of bird species diversity and the preservation and increase of their populations. The day marks the beginning of the birds return to northern parts from their wintering sites. It is the first ecological event of April aimed at awareness rising among the young generation on issues related to protection and conservation of birds.
Over the years, the birds were inspiration for singers, painters, writers, movies, jewelers and even aircraft engineering. In the article published on, head of the Aerospace Engineering Department and author of “Aerodynamics of Low Reynolds Number Flyers” noted: “The birds certainly have some varied mechanical properties that we still do not have incorporated into engineering processes. They are lighter, have much more adaptive structures and aerodynamics capabilities integrated in their wings and body shape that are always changing. Birds have incredible capabilities to remain intact during wind, rain and snow.”
“There is a legend about a bird which sings just once in its life, more sweetly than any other creature on the face of the earth. From the moment it leaves the nest it searches for a thorn tree, and does not rest until it has found one. Then, singing among the savage branches, it impales itself upon the longest, sharpest spine. And, dying, it rises above its own agony to outcarol the lark and the nightingale. One superlative song, existence the price. But the whole world stills to listen, and God in His heaven smiles. For the best is only bought at the cost of great pain… Or so says the legend”- the legend is taken from the The Thorn Birds, a popular film of the 80`s.