International Day of Climate Action
The international climate day marked on 15 May is important for the reason that it wants to indicate the need to preserve the environment, because all its changes automatically lead to climate changes that can reflect negatively in the quality of life on Earth, and thus of men themselves.
In recent years, climate change has both a significant impact on natural ecosystems, biodiversity, natural resources, as well as on human health.
In the second half of the twentieth century, the issues of climate change are arising more frequent and in the 80`s scientific evidence on the risk of global climate change were found. So, in 1992, during the Rio de Janeiro Summit, the United Nations General Assembly presented for signature the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. The ultimate objective of the Convention is to stabilize greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere at a level that would prevent dangerous anthropogenic interference with the climate. Moldova ratified the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) on 9 June 1995.
The climate of the Republic of Moldova is also getting warmer. The data analysis of the last century (1860-2000) conducted by State Hydrometeorological Service experts showed that today we live in other climate conditions than our ancestors lived 100 years ago. From the late nineteenth century the average annual temperature has increased by 0,7о С.
Combating global warming can be achieved both, by government action and through individual actions of population. “Daily Mail” offers a short list of such measures:
– Replacement of conventional light bulbs with low consumption light bulbs lowers the CO2 emissions related to electricity production by 1 ton/year;
– Turn off the TV, instead of leaving it on standby mode contributes to reduction of emissions by 1 tonne of CO2 / year for every 10 families;
– Using the public transport instead of the car decreases the emissions by 3 tonnes of CO2 / year per person;
– When going to vacation take the train instead of plane as it may lower the emissions by 2 tonnes CO2 / year.