It is recognized that effective governance at local, sub-national, national, regional and global levels representing the voices and interests of all is critical and essential to the promotion of sustainable development, whether in the role of citizen, voter, consumer or shareholder. This includes also a broad participation and access to environmental information and effective judicial and administrative procedures. These are essential elements of environmental democracy. It is the right of everyone to receive environmental information, also when that is held by public authorities. This can include information on the state of the environment, but also on policies or measures taken, or on the state of human health and safety where this can be affected by the state of the environment. The Aarhus Convention establishes a number of rights of the public (individuals and their associations) in this regard.

It is therefore important to encourage active participation of the public to be involved in processes at all levels to contribute to better decision-making, planning and implementation of policies and programs and the implementation of a green economy in the context of sustainable development and poverty reduction. Awareness raising and a (pro) active approach in communication to and with relevant groups are important instruments to stimulate their participation in these processes.


To contribute to the promotion of sustainable development by providing information the public and awareness raising activities. In particular:

  • by constantly identifying those issues that are important to inform the public about
  • by being ambitious to be an organization to actively inform the public about important issues concerning the environment and related topics
  • by raising awareness to the public about the importance of subjects in the broadest sense
  • to encourage the public through campaigns and targeted approaches to be involved in activities that contribute to a sustainable society
  • by organizing eco tours and expeditions in Moldova as well as across border with the involvement of mass media. The results of these events will be made available to the public through by various ways of communication .
  • through cooperation with other organizations aiming at strengthening the information to the public

INQUA-moldova aims to play an active role in informing the public on environmental issues and related subjects and encourage them to an active participation in and contribution to a sustainable society in the broadest sense.


  • projects that aim to inform the public about their rights for and access to information as under the Aarhus Convention
  • campaigns to activate public authorities who are obliged, under the Aarhus Convention and its Protocol, to actively disseminate environmental information in their possession
  • to provide guidance to the public to obtain access (environmental) information and to participate in administrative and judicial processes and procedures
  • awareness raising campaigns by using various media
  • launching of brochures and publications